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Spooky stories

Camp Explorer Week 6: Art of the Spooky Story

Camp Explorer Series Ends with a BOO!

For our final week of camp, we are learning the art of the spooky story. Become a great storyteller and spook your fellow campers in 3-easy steps!

Little Passports Blog Spooky Stories Girls under Blanket Fort

Campfire stories are great for bringing people together at the end of the night for some fun and scare. However, scaring your audience isn’t always easy. Learn how to tell a scary story with the following 3-easy steps.

Step 1: Make sure to set a quiet mood. Gather your fellow campers and tell them it is story time. (Before bedtime is the best!)

Step 2:  As you start your scary story, make eye contact with the eager listeners to help draw them into your story.

Step 3: Don’t forget to change the tone of your voice, and whisper or shout when needed. For added effect, hold a flashlight under your face, BOO!

Need help coming up with a story? Click the image below and complete the stories we have started for you!

Little Passports Blog Spooky Stories Starters

Did you miss weeks 1-5 of our Camp Explorer Activity Series? Catch them below!

Camp Explorer Week 1: Make Pan de Campo

Camp Explorer Week 2: Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt

Camp Explorer Week 3: Stargazing Activity Sheet

Camp Explorer Week 4: Camp Indoors with a DIY Campfire!

Camp Explorer Week 5: Download our Free Coloring Sheets for Kids!