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DIY cardboard dog house

Upcycle DIY: Toby’s Doghouse

Are you looking for a fun way to upcycle your Little Passports box? Try the easy tutorial below to turn your unused box into the perfect home for Toby or any of your child’s plush pals!

Interested in other ways to resuse your Little Passports items? Many of our explorers use their wall-sized world map to decorate their bedrooms and playrooms. One parent had the great idea to laminate their map so it could be drawn on and used over and over again.

If you’re hoping to give any of your unused Little Passport’s items a new life, you can donate them to a child in need. There are many locations to donate gently used toys and plenty of children who would love to play with them. The Salvation Army and Goodwill are great places to start and are the most recognizable charities where toys are donated. Hospitals, doctor’s offices, and daycares are great options too!


Toby’s Doghouse DIY



1 Little Passports Cardboard Box 

A pair of scissors 


A ruler

Additional cardboard

Paint, markers or stickers to decorate


1)  Disassemble your Little Passports box and separate by cutting into 4 sections at the seams.



2)  Take the 2 larger pieces and cut both their tops to resemble a triangle.



3)  Draw the shape of a door on one of these sides and cut out the door shape.



4)  Join the 4 pieces together with tape.



5)  Use the additional cardboard to cut two 12″ x 12″ pieces for the roof. Tape the two pieces together and attach to the body of the house with tape.



6)  Paint or decorate!

If your child enjoyed building Toby’s doghouse, they’ll love our Science Expeditions subscription!