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St Patrick's day snake craft

St. Patrick’s Day Snake Craft

Contributed by Andrea Mulder-Slater 

Saint Patrick’s Day Snakes

According to legend, Saint Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland in the 5th century by chasing them off the cliffs, straight into the sea. The truth is, snakes probably never existed on the Emerald Isle in the first place, but that’s no reason not to make a few cute and colorful critters in celebration of the patron saint.

Little Passports Blog St. Patrick's Day Snake Craft Completed Snakes

Making snakes out of paper rolls is fun for kids of all ages. You can create them using items you probably already have around the house.

Toilet paper or paper towel rolls
Paint markers
Scrapbooking paper (optional)
Googly eyes (optional)

Step 1: You can make your snakes a few different ways. Either cut the snakes out of the paper rolls before painting and decorating them, or paint the paper rolls (or glue patterned paper onto the rolls), let them dry and then cut out the snakes.

Little Passports Blog St. Patrick's Day Snake Craft Unpainted Snakes

Tip: If you are gluing paper to the rolls before cutting, make sure you cover the ENTIRE roll with glue. Do this by smoothing out a thin layer of glue using a piece of cardboard, craft stick or an old paintbrush. Let the glue dry completely before cutting. When cutting the rolls, you will find that cutting to the left will give you different results than cutting to the right (depending on your dominant hand). Experiment until you come up with the desired effect(s).

Little Passports Blog St. Patrick's Day Snake Craft Paint Paper Towel Rolls then Cut

Step 2: Either way, your snakes may flatten out. If that happens, simply wrap them around a paper towel roll so they start to curl again.

Little Passports Blog St. Patrick's Day Snake Craft Curled Painted Snakes

Step 3: To turn your curly cutouts into colorful snakes, round off one end (this will be the head) and keep the other end pointed (this will be the tail.)

Little Passports Blog St. Patrick's Day Snake Craft Snake Face Details

Step 4: Cut small forked tongue shapes out of another paper roll (or thin cardboard) and tape them to the heads of your snakes.

Little Passports Blog St. Patrick's Day Snake Craft Snake Tongues

Step 5: Embellish with paint or markers and draw (or glue) on eyes.

Little Passports Blog St. Patrick's Day Snake Craft Completed SnakesHave fun and remember, these little creatures also make terrific bracelets.

Little Passports Blog St. Patrick's Day Snake Craft Girl with Completed Snakes

Whether you wear them or decorate them, this craft is perfect for getting your kids into the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day!