

Hi there!

We’re really excited to make friends, try new foods and experience different cultures around the globe. (Aren’t you?) We can’t wait to write and share our adventures with you. While we’re packing our bags, check out some cool photos of places we hope to visit, and work on the activities below to learn more about the world around us.

Sofia and Sam


Quick Pick

Which of these continents would you like to visit?


1Touré Kunda - "Fatou Yo" (Senegal)
2Colibri - "La Mariposa" (Bolivia)
3Glykeria - "Tik-Tik-Tak" (Greece)

Fun Facts

The language spoken by the most people in the world is Mandarin Chinese.

The longest river in the world is the Nile in Africa.

Australia is wider than the Moon.

Print & Play

Cookie Craft

Click the picture to learn how to make cookies in continent shapes.

World Crossword

Print this crossword and use a world map to solve it.

Write to a Friend

Click to print this page and mail a message to a friend.

Pen Pal Envelopes
